PTE Oral Fluency Tip: Get a conversation partner

This is an incredibly helpful way to build your fluency over time. The key here is to pick a partner who is dedicated to simply having a conversation with you. This person should not correct you every time you make a mistake, nor should they give you any tips about the way you speak (at least not until the conversation is over!).  Find someone who speaks fluent English and who has interesting things to say about topics you want to discuss. Talk about the news, the latest movies or your relationships – whatever you find riveting! If you are interested in a topic, you are more likely to forget about the mechanics of the conversation and focus on enjoying the actual content.

Here are some do’s and don’t’s:

Do: pick an interesting conversation partner who is a native or near-native English speaker.

Do: talk about topics you are actually interested in, not just something related to PTE material.

Do: ask your partner to tell you what they notice is improving about your fluency after the conversation.

Don’t: ask your partner to correct you or give you language tips while you are talking.

Don’t: forget to have a two-way conversation with your partner, rather than a monologue of you practicing your English!

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