PTE Oral Fluency Tip: Build your vocabulary

One of the major reasons why people find it difficult to speak without pauses and fillers is because they are constantly searching for the correct vocabulary. Vocabulary is built over time, but there are a lot of ways to boost your repertoire on a daily basis. Check out our great PTE vocabulary article for some helpful tips about how to do this. And make sure you always follow these two important rules:

Rule 1: If you notice you use the same word all the time, go to immediately and find some synonyms for that word. You must broaden your lexical horizons!

Rule 2: If you’re engaged in a conversation and don’t know a word, describe it to your conversation partner. Don’t stop talking! The person will likely supply you with the word you need and you can continue the conversation without interruption.

For example:

You: “I was walking past this place yesterday, it’s a place where people go when they don’t have anywhere else to stay and they live on the street…”

Conversation partner: “A homeless shelter”

You: “Yes, a homeless shelter. Anyway, I was walking past this homeless shelter and I realized that I really wanted to volunteer there.”

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